Yesterday and today I started scanning in some old photos. Let's just say it's only been enhancing how very lucky I am to be me. My beautiful and fun-idiotic family, the people I have met along the way at work, school, church, etc. Here are some highlights of the gang.
Me and Mikie!
Part of my Lyon's gang, Christian Mackay and Jason Morlock.
My birthday at Lyon's, bet I was turning 19?
Dad and Heather trying on hats?
Jenny Smith, Amber Sutton, and JAMES Strayer.
Susan Spring Beatty.
Zack Pangborn, Matty, Mikie, Joey- at the fair.
Chris Lindsey and Heather in the old Gelato's court area.
Me, Jenny Smith, Amber Sutton.
Larry and Joey, having made a fresh catch.
Nate and Kimmy.
Nate and Dan Maciel!
Sarah Nelson.
Oh Glory and Jenny! Little did we know we'd be forever connected as family!
Heather and Nate in nature....
Heather and Ely my first apartment.
DBP John Deere F525 Wiring Harness Info Book
3 years ago
Adie, these are so great. I did have a good laugh at your Mike Strayer though. Adie, Nana and heather- you all have such a beautiful glow about you. And boys, please don't tell me you were all wearing socks with your sandals at the FAIR! That takes away the whole reason for summer and sandals - a beautiful combo. Please don't it again.
dad just alerted me! I am going in and changing it now!~
I'll bet there is a lot I don't know about my so called perfect girls. The many boyfriends they both had. I suppose I'll just go on thinking of them as innocent. I know my boys were. Ha
sorry to say, pops, that none of these boys were ever boyfriends. that list was very short for both addie and i!
these pictures were so fun to look at. it is so fun to return to these weird random moments. like that walk we took with nate on thanksgiving day the fall after i graduated high school. or the old all night lyon's hand out gangs. we have had so much fun and blessings and love and JOY in our lives ade and i am SO GLAD TO SHARE THIS ALL WITH YOU!!!
im confused about dads comment. these are some pretty innocent pictures. did they spark some unwanted pondering, pops?
uh, dad....those are my dorky old friends from Lyon's.....let's just say the boyfriends you knew about were the boyfriends I HAD, and Heather too. These guys were the LEAST of your concern....friends only! The Dark and Weird Chris Nelson was still on the way.
I TRIED to erase that comment (don't know how) because it did sound cruel and it absolutely isn't how I FEEL about any of my kids, especially my daughters. I LOVE YOU dearly and you are MY ANGELS. I'm sorry. Sometimes when kidding around, I just don't realize the how I'm sounding. Forgive me. I love you
i knew the pops was having trouble communicating his joking intention. we all knew it pops! plus, saying your boys were innocent...ha! thats where the real joke lies.
unfortunately, pops was right about one of us.
Mikie, Who might that be.....You are such a rascal. Is it the one who uses the F word in some of his music. Na.
Amazing photos.
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