to our youngest beatty: the most precious, creative, loving, intelligent, bright eyed, soft haired, big smiled (since the day he was born!) curious, animal-loving, good natured, adventurous and adorable two year old in the whole wide world!
ORION LOWELL SMITH BEATTY, how we love you and cherish you! Over here in California, we are wishing you the happiest day ever! with lots of hulk and spiderman and wrapping paper and balloons and treats and laughter and dancing and everything else that you love.
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
HEATHER!!! Oey and I LOVED it!!! I wish it were summer time already and we were all playing in your pool. It all just looks like a dream. I love that it is our life and our little guy. I can't believe he is two today!! Love you. xoxo
Ok, so I'm watching it again. I can't help my self. I want to live all those moments million times over again. I feel so blessed but heart broken. My baby is two and tomorrow he will be two and one day. It just never stops. I miss that little guy splashing in the pool, toddling, shaking that bald but not, head to the music. He is my angel. We went to the movies tonight. Bedtime Stories is at the dollar movies. By the time we left Oey was just burning up with a fever. Matty stood up with him in the back for the last couple minutes. I sat there jealous. Sick babies are the best. You just get to hold them and they just want to be held. At what age does that stop? I want time to stop. I just want to stay in this little white house with our white lights always on with the craziness never ending. Bella is yelling at me that she got spider man to stand and I can hear Oey splashing in the tub. And now he is crying because he heard the word spider man and has just realized for the first time today that he is not holding it! Life is all just to good, precious and not to be taken for granted. Way easier said then done. Now I must go and wash my babe while I still can! xoxo
amy what you wrote is so beautiful and so so true. thank you for being achingly aware of time passing and reminding me how important it is to be present in each moment, that is why people like you and me love photographs, tiny moments caught in time. i love you!!! and miss you!!!
Thank you Heather for putting this video together, it is amazingly beautiful! And Adrienne that song is beautiful, you are so talented! I've always loved it, I think it's my favorite. That special baby boy is such an angel. I wish I could just hug him and read to him and be with him every day! I love you all, Nana
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