Well here is a clip of a video from back in 1989 around Thanksgiving time. In it Joey is the star with Adie playing suporting actress and Mikie supportiing actor. Take note of Susan at the end drying Joeys hair and saying ju be ju be ju be out of love for the bossy little guy. What a character that Joey has always been.
Click on HQ if you don't get a start to the video
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
That was so great! I would like to give an award to the so cute but bossy Me did, Papa for film this master piece, Mikie for making me and Matt laugh because at one point he was just like Jarom, Adie and Nana for being so lovely. It was funny because at the beginning I thought Adie was Nana! I love you guys!!!
SUCH a cute video pops! thanks for posting it. i really truly love how he screams, "NO ADDIE!" and then shrieks about being teased, "he's a little old lady." where did that come from anyway? i feel like we did that every single time we wrapped up our babies after a bath. i like how mikie goes, "matthew's a liar!" because he wanted some ...riddles...? not sure what that was all about but it was really cute and i also love how he randomly drags over my doll crib. joey's deliberate walk is the best of all. we sure adored that baby huh?!! it is so fun to suddenly get a new little guy in the household and smother him with kisses. so precious!
Dad you were a pretty good video maker, if I do say so myself. You knew how to capture some pretty good moments in the household. Joey's creepy sideways glance is really what did it for me. Too bad those days all disappeared, they were pretty good ones. We should all live in the same house again, what do you say? It'd be like then, just older. That's pretty much the storyline for arrested development.
Dad, you're awesome. Nice video. Very well done. I love you.
I said 'pretty' four times in my comment.
Every time I watch baby videos of Joey, that's all I can see in him for the rest of the day! He really does look the exact same to me!! (And acts the same in so many ways!) Thanks Pops for the video! We loved watching it with you the other day!! I was telling Heather that we all need to go over there on the next rainy day and watch home videos all day with you and Eddy. JUST SAY WHEN!
warning- If you get disturbed easily- please do not read this next comment.
I love this soooooooooo much. I love every nuance, every part of it, (except for my completely annoying self)- but Joey and Mikie and Dad and Mom.....what the.....I love it. Joey is unbelievable. I agree with M-money. Joey is exactly the same now! He is completely THAT person! Oddly, he barely seems like a baby in these. He seems just like a tiny HIM. It's so weird. I don't get it when dad and mom don't see that. The only difference that's kind of lame for me is...back then he was small enough that I could GET him. I could put him in laundry baskets and cook him as witches stew in bathtubs, I could pick him up and OWN him even if he was kicking and screaming with all his might. I know he hated it, but CRIKE LOOK AT HIM...I was the only one sane enough to know that you better stalk that cuteness EVERY SECOND WHILE IT'S STILL AVAILABLE. I was Joey's teenage stalker sister! How creepy is that.? HE WAS TOO DANGED PERFECT!!!! I can't believe we didn't have stalkers camping out at our front driveway! Everyone else in the fam must have been crazy (except for mom cause she followed him around more than me!) for not stalking him the way I did. Talk about gritting your teeth. This is more than gritting your teeth. I want to squash him into a million little tiny Joey silly putties and put them in my pockets and make them grow into thousands of clones of him. I could see him for his true self and I needed to be around it 24-7. Or at least when I wasn't out finding gothy mormon friends to hang around. How could you not be obsessed with his completely adorable, odd, bizarre behaviour for a 2 1/2 year old. I wanted to put him in my damn pocket! He was everything I dreamed of being. Everything I dreamed I could know. What am I saying. Just so you know this thing is now on a T and E tangent....or at least I am saying that to detract from my own creep factor.
Ok- Highlights of the film.
1-Most bizarre child
Joey- for walking like a zombie
Mikie- for the doll basket moment which hilariously caused some mixed emotions of Dad caught briefly on tape
Most annoying person
Me- bratty to all hell, plus chiming in with MOm on HALOL....waz up?
Mom- the gibberish.......WTF?
3-Most cool guy
Dad- His laidbackness in the face of the pure stardom of Joey is amazing...plus he's just a NEAT guy.
Joey- His random mind-changing over the facts yet with pure CONVICTION (dad- "joey is it wet on the floor" joey " no it's not"
Most heart stealing moment
Joey's face at the end in the towel
Joey's face at the beginning splashing saying nonsense into the sink
Mikie saying "Matthew's a liar!"
mom sometimes your voice achieves decibels that disturb even the gods themselves (IE "he's freezing!")
This video is a mega keeper. I could watch it 50 times over.
What great comments you all gave. What an adorable family I have. And the thing I liked the most is Susan saying (in gibberish)Jibi, jibi, jibi, jibi, jibi what a doll!! Adie, your comments are very beyond extraordinary. I like how you used the character analysis/nomination to blend in with the video being up for nominations. My kids are the most fantastic writers. Susan, I can't figure where all that comes from. I think we did things very right, don't you, kind of by chance.
One last thing.....
Who the heck ever related the towel to the old lady factor?
Nomination for best title of a blog
This is so great. I love it. Thanks so much Dad for recording these videos. I actually see a lot of similarities in our family (Jarom and Mikie, Oey and Joey, me and Dad!). It's really fun to see how these cycles work, how families are families and life is life and love is love.
I forgot to ask: who's typing away at the old typewriter the whole time? I think it's Heather. So cool.
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