Here I am pointing out the ice that has formed on the inside of all the windows. We just had an oval-shaped opening of the windshield to look through. All the others were opaque with ice!
Addie sips the juice box that Artie's mom sent. What a sweetie to set us up with snacks and a $50 gas card to Chevron!!!
We arrived at the little Beatty home in Provo in time to greet them as they arrived home from church. They all looked so rosy fresh and adorable. The kids were very excited to get the goodies Nana sent. Here is Oey with his new baby nicey.
Bella playing with the Cootie game Nana sent. Also, right when she walked in the door she proceeded to rip off her sweater to show off her lovely nautical dress that I gave her. She looked so cute in it!
I made them pose for a family picture in their church clothes.
Orion delighted with his new tickle-me-Elmo.
We had a nice lazy Sunday playing and eating delicious vegetarian chili that Amy made for us. Here are the boys playing Guitar Hero.
And here we are trying Dance Dance Revolution.
Bella joined us in the bathroom for her own duties: careful application of lipgloss and glitter and hair accessories.
Next day, Monday, braving the cold temperatures and snowfall to go out into the world!
When there are visitors, Jarom gets to ride in the back...his favorite!

Heading to Einstein's; I like the guy shoveling snow in the background. I think this is his job, to just shovel the entire walkway.
After a Victoria's Secret shopping spree and some other errands, we met up with Mattie for dinner at Cafe Rio. It took him forever to get there due to the snow and slow drivers.
Finally he arrives! We had a fun meal and you've all seen Bella's eye-trick from this night.
and on to the skating rink! What a great place. It was nearly deserted due to the weather and the music was bumping. It was warm and cozy and there were lots of great games.
Oey was like a pro on his skates!
Couple skate!
Bella really wanted to do it right. She practiced all evening.

Heading to Einstein's; I like the guy shoveling snow in the background. I think this is his job, to just shovel the entire walkway.
Couple skate!
We stayed for a couple hours and then our cars were covered in snow. Here's Mattie showing off the ice scraper Mom got him when they first moved to Utah.
Back at home. The trees look so ghostly and beautiful all covered in snow.

Bella trying out her new snowboard pants (Jarom's old ones). They looked so cute and baggy on her. She and Addie were headed out to romp in the snow for a while.
Addie and Bella make snow angels:
We had snowcones and homemade hot cocoa that Amy makes so wonderfully. She also made the best no-bake cookies which I proceeded to hog out on the whole time we were there.
The kids got their new magazine that Grandma Cherie subscribed them to. They were all really absorbed as Matt read them a story from it.
Next day, picking up Jarom from school for more adventures:
Addie bought everybody doughnuts at the adorable little Provo Bakery down the street:
We went to Matt's work and we all went to the DI nearby for like two hours. It was really fun and for Addie and I it was a clothes wonderland. Then we barely had time to rush home and have soup and grilled cheese before heading out for night sledding. Here's Oey loving his soup!
You might be surprised, but Bella is the first one to tromp out into the snow!
Night sledding at Rock Canyon Park. What a blast!
We crashed right into a snowbank!

Oey loves snow and sledding. He is such an outdoorsy little boy. He loved laying down on the sled and being pulled up the hill, only to start over again. He even went down the big hill all by himself a couple times!
Like Father like son.
Jarom in the snowcave he made.
Winter ladies.
Here's my favorite picture of Bella in the snow. You should close-up on her beautiful little face which I love so much!
Bella plopped right into this cardboard box she found.
Addie riding down with Bella.
Oey and I under the beautiful snow laden trees.
Jarom in the car on the way home, all rumpled and rosy cheeked. He did NOT want to leave.
back at home and all warmed up.
Again, a nice bath to warm the chillybones!

Bella trying out her new snowboard pants (Jarom's old ones). They looked so cute and baggy on her. She and Addie were headed out to romp in the snow for a while.
Addie and Bella make snow angels:
We had snowcones and homemade hot cocoa that Amy makes so wonderfully. She also made the best no-bake cookies which I proceeded to hog out on the whole time we were there.
Oey loves snow and sledding. He is such an outdoorsy little boy. He loved laying down on the sled and being pulled up the hill, only to start over again. He even went down the big hill all by himself a couple times!
Like Father like son.
Bathtime party! Bella was really into the idea of having a party. Here I am singing "honey honey."
For Bella's "party," Matt and Addie and I went to the store and got ice cream and toppings and soda and sweet potato french fries for a little treat night. The kids watched Wall-E and we feasted on rootbeer floats, chips and salsa, and fries.
Oey helping himself to more chips and salsa. The chips were jalapeno flavored and the salsa that Matt made Sunday night was a little spicy. He sure didn't mind!
Addie grubbing on sweet potato fries and showing off the effects!
Oey's favorite bedtime story is this big book of words. He LOVES to learn and points at every single thing and says the name either by himself or after you say it. His vocabulary is increasing so fast and he is unbelievably curious about everything. He loves the monkeys and the piggies and he is also learning body parts such as "ears" and "neck."
Matt had to shovel our car out in the morning! I was afraid it would be so solidly frozen that it wouldn't start but sure enough, probably thanks to dad's and matt's additions of antifreeze, it started up and Matt slowly but surely got it out of that snowed in parking spot. We had to say good-bye and let him head to work.
Saying good-bye to the kids. LITTLE SWEETIES!
Amy and Bella waved handkerchiefs at us like royalty as we left. We missed them so much as soon as we drove away!
We actually had a nice drive home on a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, there were wispy clouds and there was still snow everywhere. We saw this beautiful sunset:
I miss em. Bad! It's like missing new friends. I haven't ever hung out with the kids so much, and I truly miss every little Bella coming out from the bathroom with a bow and barrette in her hair and saying "Adie! Do you like my hair? I did it all by myself" and then immediately darting her eyes off into a sideways glance that says "So what do you think of that???!!! hmppph!"
And Oey just being a little lover, and a little screamer....about any bugging of him by the other kids and anything in general long as he is HEARD.
And Jarom so freaking adorable and interested in CERTAIN things but totally NOT INTERESTED in other certain things. And his complete taken-ness with ghost stories, and Bella too.
I miss them like new best of friends! Dang....
Amy, Matt-
I hope it's cool if me and Art trek out there in February...maybe for Valentine's Day!??
I love you all so much. Amy Matt I miss the things about you too. Amy's total excitement and inflection of voice. And Matt's constant dorky and rad sense of humor, never a dull moment, always a hint of laughter comin' from somewhere.
Heather- you are just awesome and hopefully I can see more of you this semester, I had so much fun with you, and listening to your dance/folk playlist all day today too. Art is probably SICK of it. Oh, but he LOVES Katy Perry.
WOw, You captured some wonderful moments! Some of my favorites are: The family photo, how Jarom and bella are both holding onto mattys legs. Adie and Bella making snow angels. Oeys face when he is roller skating. He had so much fun, but you couldn't tell from the picture. Heather, you were so brave the go do the hill with oey and jarom. We miss you guys so much. Adie and Arty, please come out!!!! Val. Day would be perfect!! It snowed again last night. I have an idea. For 2009, lets all pay off Matt and Amy's debt so they can move back to CA!! Or we could use a couple nannies. One for ghost stories and another for bath time. Just something to think about. Adie and Heather thank you for coming. I loved Adies pure love of the snow just like one of the kids. We love you all and miss you always!! xoxo
What a wonderful photojournalistic account of your trip. I can't believe how much you crammed into such a short time, It seems as if it was one long day! You all sure know how to have a good time. I love you all so!
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