In Baltimore, Jacob Chilton, our wondrous host, took us down to the shipping harbor of the Chesapeake Bay in the morning. Joey wanted to see the Atlantic Ocean. It was FROZEN and there were little birds skating across the ice. However, the day was a temperate 35 degrees that to us felt like heaven.

We were right next to the Maryland Science Academy which had a bustling cafeteria in which we bought coffee. Then we faked rides on the inoperative carousel with lovingly painted horses such as this blue bubble fiasco that Emily rides here.

Jacob shows off the Clifford dog carousel member.

Here we are at the Baltimore Greyhound Station, heading to Philadelphia.

In the Metro station in Philly we had a little time to kill and finally got to use our beloved Subway coupons which we brought all the way from California. Buy one, get one free!

Our plane was delayed by over two hours so here we are waiting and snacking (as usual) in the airport in Philadelphia.

Emily caught with her hand in the bag!

On a plane that has been delayed for "mechanical issues" you are a little more nervous than usual. For some reason, all of our hearts were racing with anxiety as we took off in the dark over Philly and looked at the city lights below. I had to close my window. The whole flight was a bit harrowing, like when we went to land in Salt Lake and suddenly rocketed back upwards through the sky, away from the airport. Joey thought we had a rogue pilot. I was more wary of the foggy rainy airspace.

But we made it to SLC, only to find that our connecting flight to Sacramento was cancelled and we'd have to stay in a hotel provided by the airline. We called Matt and Amy who woke up the kids and came to hang out with us at 1:00 in the morning! Here's Emily trying (again!) to get ahold of her work and cover her shift the next day. All kinds of confusion ensued.

Bella showed up with beautiful handmade Valentines for each of us. Each one made with special attention to details and colors based on our personalities. She was shy to give them at first, being very sleepy but it didn't take long for her to reclaim her usual pizzazz!

Matt tries out the window-seat-sleeping-cot.

Amy, the mommy who ALWAYS goes with the flow!

And, bright and early, Matt takes Joey and Em to the airport. Still half asleep. They barely made it!

Addie and I caught a flight a few hours later. Amy took us to the airport with the kids and guess who we spotted??!! THE NARD!!! Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) was in Utah for Sundance Film Festival. I noted many more hip and beautiful people than normally allowed in American airports. Thank you Salt Lake City for being attractive!

Back in California, getting Diet Coke and fries at WillieBurger on X Street in Sacramento in the drizzling rain, we said to ourselves, HOME SWEET HOME. it is always fun to imagine being a traveler in your own city and, settling into big orange cozy couches at Javalounge, we thought how impressed we'd be by good old Sacramento.
What a insane, freezing trip of a life time. we need more of your photos. I can't believe you guys are trying to tell me that Emily had a coat. I looked at it very closely and it is no coat for that kind of cold- none of you had warm enough clothes. I also love all the photos you were tagged in on facebook- so amazing. I love that you guys went and I know someone who went. I want to hear some more of those peeing your pants stories. It was so great to be able to see you guys. we love you soo much and its always such a trip no matter the time. I'm so glad you guys called and I'm so mad I looked so scary when I saw my new boyfriend. That was the best day of my life. I tried to find him yesterday at sundance but no luck- did get 100 $ for going to a timeshare meeting though. love you guys xoxo
I love all the pictures of the real underlying masses at the inauguration! What a witness to an unbelievably historical event. I am so proud of you that you guys all went and were part of it! I am jealous you got to see the babes and Matt and Amy, but so glad it worked out that way!! Loved the record you guys took of this trip!
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