AN earthwquakejust happened here. It was a 5.6 that actually shook its roots over in San Jose, about 25 minutes ago.. and whoowee doo! it scared the willies from me. See, I live in a little building immediately by the beach, so an earthquake near water kind of scared me. I got up and shtood in the doorway too, for the seconds that it lasted.
Apparently it happened in the valley just over the hill in San Jose. I'm not sure if 5.6 is anything to write home about (nyek nyek nyek) but I just wanted to be the first to publicly declare it's happenance! Bam! Gotcha! Just like when mom goes, "Hey, I loved Charlotte Church way before anyone else!" So in this case, I lay claim to the earth's major movement this evening. In fact, I think it should be officially deemed Earthquake Steviebeatty, 2007. Yup.
Anyways, that is all. Night y'folks.
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
wow mikie did the earthquake shake up your brain much? jk. you are in rare form tho, it can't be denied. glad you made it through and now have a claim to fame. also i need to talk to you about the duchess of malfi.
yikes, mikie. I will have to read up on that happening today. Happy Halloweennnnnnn!
i also must declare that i felt the earthquake at APPROXIMATELY the same time. but that could be debated. first thing i done was grabbed my edd and i was ready to flee.
I wish I felt an earthquake. Great stuff though. Happy All Hallow's Eve.
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