Well, here is Stephanie gravesite. Just abt. 30 yards from her Grandpa Stephen. (that sounds weird) I wish I hadn't put the flowers where I did because it shows her day/year of passing. Oh well I'll take another sometime.
This memorial is on the north side of White Rock Rd in a little dip just before turning left onto Scott Rd. (going East) Matt you probably have seen this or an older one. The family has changed it numerous times since I've been driving by. I always slow down to look at her and think about the family who still grieve enough to keep it up to date. I tried once to find out about an accident that may have occurred here but to no avail. As you can see Sherri was her name. My great neice, Stephanie, (above) met this fate.
Now here's an important one. These things are on the lower lines (either phone or cable) all over. Anyone know what purpose they serve. They can't be weights because they look too light. Maybe the keep the line from twisting say with exposure to elements. Anyone, anyone........Could check online I guess. Bugs me
Monday,at the cemetery--Stephen's grave
Wednesday 5/27
Interacting with the elderly. Guess I better getused to it. Naaa! Anyway here's Uncle Mickey in Denny's--kind of skinny; doesn't eat much he says--he's 89
Arden, Mickey and me in Denny's in Galt
Wish I knew how to move the pictures around somehow.(These are all out of order). It would save time and not take so much effort to upload photos in the finished order. Any thoughts.