My brief ode to Jarom. Inspired by the following: a few days ago he came home from school with his breast tshirt pocket full. There were some different types of seeds and this halfshell that looked sort of like half a burnt acorn (I'm not sure what it is). The best part though--he called this thing a "buffalo nose." When we asked him who told him it was a buffalo nose, or at least who called it that, he said, "No one. That's just what it looks like."
The sad thing is, I had a cute video on YouTube of Jarom playing with and drinking from the bathtub faucet when he was less than two. But YouTube flagged it as inappropriate and took it down, because apparently a naked two-year-old (who was not exposed through most of the video) turns some people on. Is it societal decency or something?--please. Anyway I found another video, though it involves both toddlers, and I posted that one too.
The buffalo nose
DBP John Deere F525 Wiring Harness Info Book
3 years ago
nice find jarom! miss you.
i taught darin how to comment, i'm proud. jarom is the raddest because he finds cool things in nature and gets creative about them and that is the best thing on earth for little boys to do. i love jarom. in fact i love the five beattys that i never get to see enough and i miss them! what does jarom want for his birthday?
i forgot to say how i love these videos. i really like how bella keeps turning around trying to flush the toilet and her cute little subby hand can't do it. also, who's mimicking who?
The best part about it is, that thing really looks like a buffalo nose.
I'll have to find out what Jarom wants. Okay, Jarom just said he wants a new video game. Or a new car. So I'll have to get some real things out of him.
dang cute. Art's gonna join too, darin! Jarom is effing rad.
Adie what's Art's email address? I can send him an invite to the blog.
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