Gladcorn. What is it? Where does it come from? What kind of "farmhouse discovery" actually happened one fateful night in a far away kitchen somewhere. Was it an accident? Is this a secret recipe?
No matter the mystery around the Beatty-infamed green bag of crunchies, one thing is for certain, GC is an addictive substance. Today, as I tore open the bag in a snack seeking fever, I was surprised at the shape of what lay ahead. I expected a very similar "Corn Nuts" experience. But I was wrong. Soon, jagged edges of corn lay all around my feet, as I scooped into the bag in handfuls... I hadn't eaten like that in ages...
Like Dad eating popcorn from the bowl, kind of....
a photo line-up of what went on
The bag of Gladcorn.
Me in action...
Art says "tastes like chalky".... Good! More for me.
Birthday dinner with the marm and sis.
Geeking out hard.
The light in our living room is pretty crazy! Hi God, alright. (the record underneath)
So I got off track from the Gladcorn.
Dear Matt, Amy, Jarom, Bella, and Orion... thanks for the birthday gift. It was rather exciting to get in the mail, and that excitement just keeps on giving! Love you!
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3 years ago
HI GOD????!!! are you KIDDING me right now? with that kinda light shining on it? reminds me of the night of the meteor shower when jesus spoke to stan, joe and i from the heavens. anyway aren't you GLAD for gladcorn?! sorry. i know, i know. i think anyone who has bum-rushed the local gas station by matt and amy's house to buy out their ENTIRE supply of gladcorn, all flavors, shall appreciate this posting.
also i am sure glad we can still have utterly ridiculous laugh attacks. and our marma is so pretty.
I like the pictures from your birthday with nana and heather. Art looks different, has he been using a new conditioner. His hair seems longer and less poofy? Or maybe he hasn't showered in a long time. Matt's hair lies flatter when he skips his weekly shower.
Took a long time to say this, but I'm glad you chronicled this experience, Adie. Quite glad.
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