Monday, November 19, 2007

WELL, well, well

I'm well. It's been one crazy week. Matt and I have started dating again- not really, just feels like it. We have been staying up all night talking, crying and laughing our hearts out. We really did stay up All night one time. The other nights were more like 3 or 4 in the morning. I had a nervous break down last week and quit my job- never to go back. And as some of you know chopped my hair off. I think I only did that because I didn't sleep the night before. I was just so mad that I couldn't get all my fuzzes and frizz to calm down. Two weeks ago I got to go visit Glory in Austin. Highlights of it were - two stepping, tubing, kayaking, yoga, eating, singing around the piano to the beatles, running around the lake and watching the sun rise. Eating my nephew and nieces halloween candy. I saved the best for last. I was only there for two and a half days. The first night there Jenny, Glory and I walked 6th street. And every few steps were offered a free drink. I got to see this girl dancing and rubbing her butt against the window- I was secretly waiting for her to rub on it too hard. I know- I'm soo mean. I really couldn't help think it though. I really wanted to go into that bar. It was bumping- for reals. But my sisters wanted something a little more high end. We let jenny pick it, because we really didn't care. Jenny swears Glory and I were drunk. We were acting gay so the guys would leave us alone. And by the way- did you know? they have a mall sized health food store. It was cool. Again- I'm well- now. By and by I come. xoxo

Glory and her friend said we would ONLY run five miles. I was so dying and happy to finally have the car back in view only for them to look at their and watch and say, we still have 15 mintues, lets do two more. I almost cried but was out of breath to do any of those heaving sobs.

This is mike- the two stepping king.

This is my ice cream shop where I got a mix of pumpkin and mexican vanilla ice cream. And got photo booth pictures with me, glory, my mom and little teddy (dollys baby)


heather said...

wow you sound good and i can't wait to see you and hopefully hear the stories even more and see your haircut. i bet you look beautiful. your austin trip sounds wonderful, being with your sisters and your mom and the nephews and neices and babies is such a dream come true. the kayaking looks super fun...the running i could live without but you two are sure glowing afterwards! and you and mattie are amazing and inspiring, good for you for starting fresh and being cute together and talking talking talking!

mattbeatty said...

Look how beautiful Amy is in that bottom photo! I love you!

heather said...

um yeah. and i just saw the facebook photos from the trip as well, and she is just radiantly gorgeous in all of them! i do particularly love the "amy's" ones.

AdieSpringB said...

Amy, how do you look about sixteen? Maybe seventeen? Really weird. I am going to be a grandma by the time I have little ones of my own. FIVE miles, sheeeeiiit! That's quite the ways! Did you prepare for that for a bit?

I hope you are feeling wonderful and adventurous and full of team spirit for the family times coming right up! See you early AM Thurs/ late Wed. night!
love you!

Glory Watts said...

Amy Eileen Beatty, I miss you already! We had so much fun didn't we? I can't wait to see your hair, I bet it's fun to have a dramatic change. I've been wanting to do something guttsy like that for a while, but I keep thinking, now's not the time - so it probably won't happen. So you finally quit your job, hopefully you can breath a little easier now. It sounds like you and Matt have started on a new chapter of marriage. That age old saying about a successfull marraige requires falling in love with the same person over and over is sooo true! You are a real gem Amy, I love you!